And why not? If speculations are to be believed, Google may not have got started with its real plan with Android Wear. Recently, Amid, all the rumors surrounding the the launch of 'Apple iWatch aka Apple Watch" Google might have planned to be faster and strategically placed in this upcoming market. This is why you already see Android wear watches in the market. Many believe that these are not final versions but a half-cooked products. There is a lot more to come.
Originality & Google has a long history. For long, Though being one of the most Innovative companies, Google has been accused of stealing from Apple's IOS, On which Mr.Jobs quoted on a full fledged war with Google. This time Google wanted its wearable products to be placed as forerunners in the market. GOOGLE GLASS, GOOGLE ANDROID WEAR, enjoy, market leadership. Not only that, they have also got a lot of patents for new technologies like self driving car etc.
Google Patents Google Glass |
Google Glass |
In the year 2012, Google secretly acquired WIMM (An android Smart watch maker, One of the earliest and coolest.) Google's launched Android Wear, to make sure that fragmentation doesn't occur. Google still has full capability to create its own watch. If not, it can tie up with Motorola, Lg, Samsung, endless Android Hardware Partners to create Nexus Watches.
Google's watch might set the scope of usability & fast upgrades to Android Watch devices. It should not take a lot of time for us to know. The release of Android L is due anytime now, We would see a massive overhaul in the design. Google would add material design strategy to Android Wear Devices too. We hope to see a reference product soon. Till then drool on! :)
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